Vident helps you create flexible & maintainable component libraries for your application. Vident makes using Stimulus with your ViewComponent or Phlex components easier.
Personal Projects
Projects new and old. Ruby gems, open source, books, and more.
Ruby Gems & Open Source
Libraries, tools, and more
EncodedId is a Ruby gem that provides a simple way to encode and decode ids for use in URLs and includes a suite of useful features. It can be used in any Ruby application but also has a counterpart gem for Rails.

YamlCspConfig is a Ruby gem that makes it easier to manage and maintain Content Security Policies (CSPs) by allowing developers to define their CSP configuration in a YAML file and create environment-specific configurations.
AccessAllow allows you to configure roles, abilities and permissions in Rails applications.
Quo is a gem which provides an implementation of a composable query object so you can encapsulate and organise complex queries.
Application and locale configuration management for Rails which can be loaded from a remote or local non-repo source (S3, GSheets, local file system)
Books, blogs & newsletter

Learn about computer number systems & stand out from the crowd. Everything you need to know about numbers, numeric types (eg floats) & how to use them. Number systems & fundamentals, integers, floating point, fixed point, precision/range & more!
A complete course for software developers of all skill levels. Avoid being bitten by rounding and precision bugs, be ready for interview questions involving number types and write better software.

Go on a journey & see what happens when our source code runs, right down to the electrons moving around the CPU
As developers we miss out on the amazing things that happen inside the computer when we run our code. From the parsing and compiling of the code, to the way the computer executes the code in a safe way, to how the CPU actually functions to do the amazing things it does, right down to the electrons flowing around the silicon of the processor.
Other Projects
All sorts of stuff
Somm's Notes is a website where you can discover new wines, read reviews, and learn about wine as a whole. Stef became a sommelier out of love for all things wine. This is her blog and collection of wine notes.
For me it has been my first foray into the world of programmatic SEO, and a chance to learn so much about wine!